Motorola W7 Active Edition

Motorola has announced her new "Motorola W7 Active Edition" thus confirming rumors that have appeared around him a few days ago, mobile does not provide any important characteristics in terms of technology but provides programs and applications for athletes, such as:

- An internal counter calculates the number of steps when walking or running.

- Property of the "accelerometer" that are useful during exercise, where you can control the phone through the move instead of pushing buttons, for example, you can shake up the volume down or move it to the right to disconnect and to the characteristics of the movement, "the property is not new and is present in other organs , Variety is the use of mathematical interest in the properties during the time of exercise and movement. "

- Programs and applications in-house training for the preparation and registration of the exercises and give you reports on your activity.

For some technical characteristics are as stated does not contain the new, and some of these specifications and features:

- 2-megapixel camera.

- 2.2-inch screen.

- FM radio

- MP3 Player

- Weight 105 grams.

- Port, external memory microSD up to 8 Haha

- Bluetooth.

Release date?
Mobile will start selling in the second quarter of 2009, during the next two months, did not show any information about price, the company said that the mobile phone will be available first in the Asian markets and South American.