Samsung S9110

In a direct response to rival LG, which is about an hour version of Mobile, Samsung Mobile hour version of a new greedy in the share of the cake in this new market and the unknown.

  New mobile will be the name of Samsung S9110 will come touch screen scratch-resistant size of 1.76 inches, and you'll find specifications other traditional, such as Bluetooth, Speaker Player, audio files, e-mail, voice commands and other specifications, but the importance of mobile is not in the specifications, but in the design.

It is worth mentioning that the mobiles time is not new, but in the past, made ​​companies unknown was received overwhelming response from buyers, not only recently began the first large company is LG's announcement issuance Mobile hour and now followed by Samsung, will we see mobile time is common compete by leading fashion Or is it short and end? Time will answer this question, and no doubt that Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, HTC and other companies for a closer look into this new adventure from LG and Samsung.