Samsung Star S5230

Samsung said "a big smile on her face" that the mobile phone while fixing that combines the touch screen and low price Samsung Star S5230 has sold more than 5 million units in just 4 months from the date of availability in the market.

What helped the device at the access to this number fantasy in such a short period is to combine intelligent among the low price and intelligent design are not seen in advance, it gives you a mobile touch-screen size 3.0 inches at a low price, which targets a lot of buyers who want to purchase mobile touch screen great, but they is willing to pay large sums of money to get it.

Although the device lacks some of the specifications that may be important for some, such as the 3G and the GPS and the Wi-Fi and comes camera 3 mega pixel camera and not a 5 mega pixel or more, but that the design, shape and price, and the screen made ​​the device a big hit with buyers around the world and especially in Europe.

Price of the device is currently in Saudi Arabia is 700 approximately SR ", dated August 31, 2009" This price is cheaper than many of the devices that come without even touching the screen

What currency Samsung is smart, she said to bring a machine, and delete all the specifications costly and not needed by the average user, and to focus on design, shape and price and main features such as Bluetooth, camera and radio, and this behavior of the normally competitive Samsung is LG, but Samsung seems to have learned their lesson, and succeeded in it, where it was greedily devouring machine of buyers, especially young people and young people who want to touch the screen, but they find it difficult to provide material amounts of the full specifications of other models may not need