Apple live press conference and put her answer to the problem of reception in the iPhone 4

Steve Jobs ended the "CEO of Apple," shortly before the press conference announced by the company suddenly several days ago. Conference was designed to answer the current debate about one of the most important problems of iPhone 4 is the problem of poor reception when you touch a part of the outer frame.
The problem we talked about in a previous article, and it has echoes of a large and a lot of controversy around it. Apple has provided their responses and solutions to the problem, and most important conference on the problem:
1 - Apple denied the existence of a real problem in the receiver, and said that this is a problem common in all Jawalat when easily obtainable in a certain way, and they do not see it or a real big problem in the iPhone 4
2 - She said that the number of people contacted about the problem a little, up to 0.55% of the users.
3 - to satisfy the users, Apple will cover all of the free iPhone bought 4, and bought a cap on the amount he can get it again. Apple cover of the official price of $ 29, and use it solve the problem of the low degree of reception because it cuts off the hand and the outer skin. Will continue to offer free cover for each of the 4 new buy iPhone until September 30, but the company did not clarify the mechanism and how the demand will be providing the cover.
4 - Apple spoke about updating No. 4.0.1, which was released yesterday, said that he re-view towers, receiver and makes it more accurate to represent the strength of the towers in your area.
5 - If you are unhappy with the problem and the device, you can return it and get the amount you paid without any deductions or fines.
Comments and analysis of the buyer. Com:
In fact what we see from Apple in the denial of the problem is unacceptable. Case that this is a problem in every Jawalat incorrect, we all use Jawalat for many years, never any one that has reception when touching the mobile phone normally. Yes, all Jawalat a sore point when covered reduced reception and the number of towers, but companies usually hides these sensitive points inside the phone and away from the user's hands, what did Apple in the iPhone is the new development of this crucial point in a prominent place and an external touch user when touching the mobile phone is is normal.
The issue that a small number of users contacted about the problem, this is a good thing, and that, if anything it shows that the problem is not widespread. But the percentage mentioned are taken from the number who called the Apple service center "AppleCare" and represents the number who have faced the problem in the whole world did not contact the place, or that the center is not available to them.
The third issue, an issue the refund and the issue of cover-free, it is a reasonable solution, if the phone do not like to repeat it. The problem is that this does not apply to hundreds of thousands who bought mobile phone from the market non-official, we in the Arab countries, for example, most users who bought the iPhone 4 bought by freight or Goods of Foreign Affairs, so do not know how you will give them the cover of free or allowing them to retrieve Mbalghm . Of course this not the fault of Apple, because the user gets the bear bought the phone from a non-official, but the point we have mentioned for the alarm.